We are always on the lookout for the right people to join our team.


Our application process is a little different from what you might be used to and follows three steps.



Follow this link www.chateauacademy.com.au to watch three short presentations by our Principal, Trevor Priest as he speaks frankly about what kind of business Chateau Group is and the type of person who will fit in.



Complete the quiz questions at the conclusion and review your answers to make sure you score 100%



If you score 100% on the self-scoring quiz, proceed with your application which will go like this

  1. a) Tell us your story and show why you believe you will fit in with our values and practices. A template is provided.
  2. b) Submit your resume using the link provided at the end of STEP 3



If all goes well, you will most likely be contacted for an interview within the following few days.

Selling With Chateau Real Estate

Offering to our clients exceptional and professional service, we strive to not only meet your expectations but to exceed them and ensure that your experience is both profitable and totally satisfying.

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Offering to our clients exceptional and professional service, we strive to not only meet your expectations but to exceed them and ensure that your experience is both profitable and totally satisfying.

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